St Patrick's & St Joseph's
Takes the hand, stretches the mind, touches the heart
St Patrick's & St Joseph's Schools

Song of the month for June

1 Jun 2017
Song for the Month                Arthur McBride


Oh, me and my cousin, one Arthur McBride
As we went a-walkin' down by the seaside
Now mark what followed and what did betide
For it bein' on Christmas mornin'…

Oh, me and my cousin, one Arthur McBride
As we went a-walkin' down by the seaside
Now mark what followed and what did betide
For it bein' on Christmas mornin'
Now, for recreation, we went on a tramp
And we met sergeant Napper and corporal Vamp
And a little wee drummer intending to camp
For the day bein' pleasant and charmin'

"Good morning, good morning, " the sergeant he cried
"And the same to you, gentlemen, " we did reply
Intending no harm but meant to pass by
For it bein' on Christmas mornin'
"But, " says he, "My fine fellows, if you will enlist
  It's ten guineas in gold I'll stick to your fist
And a crown in the bargain for to kick up the dust
And drink the king's health in the morning

"For a soldier, he leads a very fine life
And he always is blessed with a charming young wife
And he pays all his debts without sorrow or strife
And he always lives pleasant and charmin'
And a soldier, he always is decent and clean
In the finest of clothing he's constantly seen
While other poor fellows go dirty and mean
And sup on thin gruel in the morning"


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